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Unlock your creativity

Know what people feel

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Boost your creativity

Win Pitch

Settle debates

One minute to discover FEELIN

Boost creativity

Leave the competition in the dust and make your agency the go-to choice for award-winning campaigns.


You've got the creative talent, now elevate your game with the power of data.

With Feelin, you'll be able to pinpoint the winning moments in your videos. No more guesswork, no more wasted time and effort.


Optimize your videos and make them truly stand out.

Win every pitch

Differentiate yourself from the competition and win agency pitches with Feelin.


In today's crowded market, there are thousands of marketing agencies offering video services.


You can offer a guarantee of success to your clients. Show them the results of pre-testing their videos, and make it a major selling point that sets you apart and convinces them to choose you

Settle debates with your advertiser campaign

Tastes and colours are a matter of personal preference and are not up for discussion.  


Except to deliver the best campaign possible for your advertiser.


Have you ever had to make dozens and dozens of "final" adjustments? Everyone has their own sensibility and impressions, and it's difficult for everyone to agree on the final version.

With Feelin, you can provide objective data to show what your creatives deliver promises.

Don't be shy, it's a free trial

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